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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is Summer Over?

The old saying "Time flies when you're having fun" has certainly been true for me this summer! Fun being a very subjective term. When I think of where I was, physically and mentally, last year at this time and where I am now, the difference to me is astounding! Last year I was just getting around the house. After my little overheating mishap, I didn't even go outside. I also had absolutely no "want to". Well, this year I have spent time outside, sometimes, even in the sun, being careful to not get overheated. I have found that this body is still very sensitive to heat, even in the shade, but at least I have wanted to be outside. I also have wanted to do things. Yeah!!! Life for me is very boring without projects. This year I have taken many cuttings and they are snuggled in the greenhouse, trying to grow roots. I have done it differently than before so we'll see. It's been one of the things that I like to do best and to not do any last year really tells me where my mind was. I also have one more felted applique stocking to finish. It's just sitting there, waiting for the baby to be born and a name affixed to a birth certificate, then I will put the name on the stocking and get it sent off with heartfelt "Congratulations!" I'm also working on Christmas and birthday gifts. It is so fun to have so much handwork to do but even more important to "want to" do these things. It's been a long, barren patch and I'm glad to have climbed out of it!

I also have been reading about health related topics. No surprise there! I've read that Somali women who immigrate to either Quebec or Denmark and who have children who develop autism, call it the Copenhagen disease or the Montreal disease. Lifestyle changes are obviously in play. They no longer are eating their traditional diet which consists of camel milk yogurt, along with meat and vegetables, mostly. They have very little sugar in their diet and what they do have is not refined. They also do not run to the Dr. and have their children shot with antibiotics or vaccines back in Somalia. Speculation is that Somali women probably "cover" more than they did back home. This "new" life of antibiotics, vaccines, and change in diet leads to a weakened immune system with an intestinal terrain that is completely out of whack and a mother who is VitD deficient and isn't passing any on to her child thru breast milk. I weep for these families, all over the world, who are only doing what the authorities tell them is the best thing to do. There are too few Dr.s and researchers that are actually putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Too many have been bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical companies and the truth just gets buried! This vaccine that gets pumped in to our newborns is another example. Chances of an American child getting exposed to hepatitis B before age 12 is so very slim, but the politicians wanted some money and the Pharmas said "You do this and we'll do This!" Voila! The first day of life their little bodies are pumped full of garbage! Talk about "Human Rights" violations! What we do to our defenseless children has to top the list! Ms Clinton, get a clue! 'Nuf said.

Another lovely day in the beautiful northwest. Not quite Indian summer yet, but close. Time for me to get into my day. I have lots of things to do and I want to do them. I just need to get the energy level to match the "want to" level, then I'd be set!!!

Healthy Days to You,
As always...Your Smiling Maven

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Did You Ever Imagine?...

This is what I said to my daughter last Sat night, while she was watching a chicken egg hatch on her kitchen counter. Incubating a chicken egg had never crossed either of our minds, as something we might do. This all started with Poppa taking her two daughters to see horses at his friend Mike's. After seeing the horses, Mike wanted them to see his other farm animals. While looking at the chickens, Mike pulled out a couple of eggs from a hen and handed each girl one and suggested that they make scrambled eggs. Poppa, bless him, suggested that they hatch them. That was all the girls had to hear! This was the best thing ever and you can imagine the "Please, Mom, please, please." So, back to the city and the Internet and you tube and research and before you know it there is a bowl with a lamp (for heat) and jars with water (for humidity) and it is all sitting on her kitchen counter. So for 21 days they turned these eggs 3 times per day, loved on them and "candled" them and waited, quite patiently, for something to happen. Finally, last Sat. night one arrived. Sadly, the other egg didn't thrive. But the girls were greeted by one little chicken Sunday morning and was immediately named, Clarabelle! So much for putting it on Craigslist the day it hatched! So, now the new plan is to keep it for awhile, maybe 6 to 8 weeks, and then it has to go...especially, if it turns out to be Chuckybell!
Now for my "never did I ever imagine" experience. I always thought that we would babysit grandchildren or take care of feeding dogs or cats while the grandchildren were away...But...Yep! You guessed it! We're babysitting Clarabelle while the family is on vacation. The girls and their Mom came to visit this week and the girls said to me that their Mom said that they had to ask me. Actually "Sweet talk " me was the way they put it. What a hilarious proposition! They were so cute and so sincere. They had me at "Would you please, Grandma?" So, next week, we'll have a chicken, in a box, with a light, in our garage. Should be say the least!

Life is so very interesting! As always...
Healthy Days to You...Your Smiling Maven

Friday, July 2, 2010

Genes or Jeans?

We drove into our daughter’s yard the other day and she was gardening. The first thing that came to my mind was how proud her Grandmother would have been. What a wonderful legacy, Mom. Your granddaughter did learn quite a bit while spending all those hours with you. Her disposition is more like her Grandmother’s, also. Thank goodness!!! She didn’t have on a hat, as her Grandmother almost always did, but the jeans and gloves were very familiar as well as the body language. She has planted a mixture of annuals and perennials, plus trees and flowering shrubs. Of course the towering evergreens, that were already there, make quite an impact, too. So, that’s the first thing that I said to her. She said that she had been thinking a lot about Grandma, also, and telling the girls the things that she remembers from all the time in Grandma’s garden. Remember foxglove fingers? Well, now her girls know about them, too. It’s very interesting the things that get passed on. I guess we never know when we’ll make an impression on someone. Mom had joy, flowers, God and unceasing love for her children. The order of importance would depend on the day. However, her love for us was never in last place!

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Weekend. Flags, fireworks and the Consitution!

As Always, Healthy Days to You...Your smiling Maven

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stanley Cup and VitD

Hi All, You'll probably never read about this, except for here, but the Blackhawks hockey team had a little "help" with their win! Almost 2 years ago, the team Drs. started testing the players levels of VitD. And you guessed it, most were profoundly deficient. So a monitored VitD supplement program was begun. Last year the team did pretty well and this year look what happened! Super Win!!! The team Drs. have reported that there were fewer colds and flu and hence, less down time per player. They also said that recovery time, from injuries, was shortened. They felt that the strength, agility, and stamina was greatly improved over years past. They also felt the health of the team was much better overall. If this information was published and made available to high school and college teams, I can only imagine the good it would do for the overall health of our kids. Some research suggests that our (the corporate our) medical bills would be greatly reduced, if only more people had their VitD levels checked and raised to optimal levels.

Healthy Days to You....Your Smiling Maven

Monday, May 31, 2010

When Did We Change and Why?

I’ve been thinking lately about our history…."our", meaning the world in general. When did we stop eating our traditional foods? Every culture in the world used to eat some type of fermented food, almost daily. Now most cultures have switched to “store bought”. We here in America probably began to loose our heritage soon after we stepped foot in the “New Country”. It could also have been the Industrial Revolution. People were too busy, or they were moving or they lost touch with their ancestor’s way of doing things in the kitchen. I have read that over on the European Continent, Pasteur and another scientist, whose name I cannot recall, had a disagreement about what caused illness. The one fellow said it had to do with the overall health of a body and Pasteur said it was all because of bacteria. Pasteur had the political clout and he won. Hence, canning and boiling to kill all germs. That also killed all good bacteria that is essential to life. So, here we are. A very sick society, as a whole, and we depend on Dr.s and pills to keep us going.

It also used to be that every society or area or community or culture, had a Shaman or Witch Dr. or Healer. This person was someone who knew about local herbs, foods, liquids, etc. that were useful to healing. The movies have done a very good job at discrediting these people, but the fact remains that they really did know their stuff. We still have people who are renowned herbalists, but they stay in the dark, mainly for their safety, in this country.

If 70% to 90% of our immune system is in our intestinal tract or “gut” as it is called, why wouldn’t we…as a culture….want to strengthen our immune system? The way we go about being healthy is to take another pill. That’s like sticking another finger in the dyke and when our dyke “springs” another leak, we stick in another pill. We don’t try to fix our dyke or strengthen it.

I’ve been thinking of my own ancestral history. I don’t remember any fermented foods that my father’s parents ate, or for that matter my mother’s parents. I only remember that once my mother made real sauerkraut in a crock. It smelled awful and I think that only my sister and father ate it and it was only made that one time. I think that “new and modern” was the way it was in the 50’s. Everyone had an electric stove and a car and could get to the store whenever it was needed. No more wood stoves that had leftover dying embers to keep a kitchen warm for fermentation. We also have become unused to the very distinct flavor of fermented foods. Most people cannot stand the taste of real pickled products. The only fermented food that has come back is “real yogurt”. But it is not being marketed as something we all should be consuming on a daily basis, i.e., fermented foods. the best way to strengthen our immune system, according to what I have read, is to repopulate our gut flora. Everyone in this country has had a round of antibiotics or other toxins that are plentiful in the foods that we eat. Hence, we all have "guts" that are not really working properly. Replenishing is a must, either through a variety of fermented foods or probiotics. That’s the path that MDH and I are on, so far it’s working. It’s a lifestyle that is sometimes difficult but so are Dr visits and chemo and radiation, etc.

Wow, the sun is out! Must be a mistake. Will have to go out and mess around in the greenhouse today. Hope all are remembering our veterans and the freedoms that they have given to us.

Healthy Days to You...Your Smiling Maven

Monday, May 3, 2010

Can Summer be Just Around the Corner???

Wow! Time flies by...having fun or not!! Fun is daily, but the thought of making this brain wrap itself around some written words, has been a real "downer". Just realized today that one of my zygo catuses is trying to bloom. It normally blooms in November, so this is very unusual. Guess April really was wet and very cloudy. We did have some lovely days, but always just a bit chilly with a damp wind. Weatherman is saying that some nice, warm, sunny days are coming soon. Hope he and his computer models are correct! The rhododendrons have been gorgeous. Even with the rain and wind. I guess that it has been just chilly enough to keep them blooming longer. That's a good thing, as far as I'm concerned!!

Our new front entry deck is done. Somehow MDH found some non-raining times to get it in. He's still working on the railing. It's in, but the final finishing and painting is going to take some dryer weather. At least we are legal and I can go up and down without help! He's ordered more pavers so that we can extend the deck the length of the house. It will be nice to have that done, too. The view from there will be wonderful. Summer evenings out there with the warmth from the pavers should be very nice! Son-in-law says the view towards the Mt. from there is "the money shot." He's so right. Just have to figure out the best way to provide privacy when it's done.

I read an article about Vitamin D and how long natural stores last in our bodies. Supposedly it has a half life of only 3 to 5 weeks. Wow!! No wonder so many people test low or deficient. Lets say that at the end of Sept. a person would have 75ng/mg. Average good levels are between 45 and 75. Let's give ourselves 6 weeks instead. By the middle of Nov. one would have 37 or 38ng/mg. Then by the end of Dec. the body would only have 20 or less. At the northern latitudes, natural sunlight isn't strong enough to produce VitD in our bodies until May! The way I see it, supplementing is crucial if a person lives north of San Fran or Atlanta!

Hopefully, I can find some time to write and pay attention more. I love doing my handwork, but I feel I need to stretch myself.

As always, Healthy Days to You....Your Smiling Maven

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Early Spring in the Northwest

Time flies when winter forgets to arrive. At least it has stopped raining for a bit, but it is very damp and cold. Not any fun to be outside. We did get out yesterday. MDH was working on the new front entry deck and digging up plants and replanting them. I was pretty much fussing around and behind him. Poor guy. This is a very heavy and back-breaking job. I don't need to add to his workload. The concrete pavers are looking great. We're very happy our son told us about these things.

We are very happy that we took responsibility for our health a few years ago. Regardless of how this "sick care" thing turns out, we don't plan on being totally dependent on the pharmaceutically driven, allopathic medical system. I was watching the new show on TV by Jamie Oliver showing people in West Virginia that the food they were eating and feeding their children was causing their health problems. They were portrayed as being clueless. Seems incredible to me. But I guess some people do live on frozen stuff that can be microwaved, eaten, and wrappers thrown in the garbage, all in 10-15 mins, while sitting in front of the TV. "Why is my child overweight and why does he have diabetes?" DUH!!!

The latest VitD report has found more evidence that low vitamin D levels are very much correlated to heart disease and hypertension, along with all the other chronic illnesses previously mentioned. I felt bad for Jamie Oliver. He can work to change the eating habits of all of these people, but he is not allowed to talk about nutients that are crucial to health. He can only talk about healthy food. Which after looking at the people on the program, I'm guessing any improvement in their eating habits, will be an improvement in their least I hope so.

Spring is definitely in full swing here. The early rhodies are already fading and dropping blooms. The neighborhood is very colorful again. Love all the color! The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival should really be going on now instead of starting the middle of April. I understand the organizers are a bit concerned that the tulips will be mostly done by the time the actual festival starts! Oh Well...happens every now and then. They say that March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb. Not this year. Just the opposite! Makes for interesting news!

As we all know I'm not the most computer literate person that ever lived, so actually finding out about "skype" and talking on it has been a new and fun experience. Our son and MDH have got theirs hooked up now. It's quite an experience to talk to someone and see them at the same time. I know people have been doing this for a while now, but not me. Our son put the Monitor down low so the 11 month old could see. It was fun to watch her realize that those people were talking to her sister and daddy and she could talk too. She got the "hang" of it pretty quickly and our son said she even said Grandma. Wishful thinking? Maybe? It was fun anyway! Hope spring is popping out in all of your neighborhoods! Enjoy!

Healthy Days to You...Your Smiling Maven